The competition has only begun..

Hello fellow bloggers,

The season flies by, but then slows down... You don't know what's going to happen and you sure as hell don't know how you will place in competitions. Your back begins to ache, you begin to feel tired and sluggish. Practicing for hours and hours every day, every weekend, makes for a tired body and mind. As much as I love it, I will never be able to tell someone that this activity is an easy one.. It never will be. The endurance, the pain, the tears that are poured for this sport makes me realize how passionate I am about it. In the middle of the season, you've formed this bond with your team, so much like they are your family, your closest people. You care so much about them because seeing them for hours, and working hard with these people give you that form of connection to do better. I could not have done that season without the people on that team. They pushed me to become a better person and performer, with a bigger heart. Even though it's a dream, it's also a nightmare. Not knowing when you're last time performing will be and if it's going to be a good one. I truly think that people will never understand this sport until they are one of us, on the floor, in the show, and performing, to understand how extraordinary it is.

Until next time,
